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Sunday, 18 April 2010

Amazon Affilate programme - Today no Foresight can do without GPS

I have just linked to the Google Blogger-Amazon Affiliate Programme on this blog following my trials on other sites in which I reviewed several books, specifically quite lengthy book previews on google Books. The Amazon post link facility allows me to offer readers who prefer their own paper book version the excellent offers available via Amazon, New and almost new second hand books are often available. Indeed until now I have been only an interested intermediary for the family and friends who like to buy via Amazon.  I do the ordering via the web.

It is high  time that I improve my act so to speak, setting up all my sites with the Amazon-Blogger tool not only for books and book reviews one of my favourite longstanding activities but also when their is adequation linking with chosen products from the quite extensive Amazon catalogue.

In the present case, a main focus of "This-Above-All" is Foresight, Road-mapping so without stretching my self imposed science based mandate, it is both amusing and highly relevant that a mention of GPS and its importance in all modern precise speed measurement dependent activity for example the influence of the Chilean earthquake on the earths speed of rotation ( “The length of the day should have gotten shorter by 1.26 microseconds (millionths of a second),” Gross, said. links below

Chilean Quake Likely Shifted Earth’s Axis, NASA Scientist Says from business Week March 01, 201
Academic article-book Champ,Mass displacement and the earth's rotation by Robert Gross

GPS TomTom Europe 22 country includes UK
and in $
TomTom ONE 130 3.5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator (Factory Refurbished)TomTom XL 330S 4.3-Inch Widescreen Portable GPS Navigator (Factory Refurbished) 


NPL-UK's National Physical Laboratory open day

Reviews of "Materials and Environment" by M.F.Ashby published on MW, Google Books, and Amazon

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