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Friday, 20 February 2009

New_Video widget-gadget collects in one place. Here is Nanotech...? from CaptNano

Rapid up-date and some serendipity (follow that lead... global travel sleuth) from Smart Materials on Sage publications,(UK-USA_Stanford,CA) to energy harvesting and Azonano (Australia) and their Social Network.

Want to take the tour?
(Low Carbon Footpath guaranteed so feel free to leave your footprint
- carbon based nanotechnology aside. Lots of researchers to do their own wee C-carbon footprint calculations)

Sage and Energy Harvesting,
Energy Harvesting
I won't bore you further with my rapid up-date on "Smart Materials, Energy Harvesting, and several World Tours: "The 24 four hours tech news in 24 secs! "
Azonano Social Network

Thursday, 19 February 2009

The Butter fly effect - L'Effet du papillion_Guadeloupe_Gwada an Island in turmoil calling for understanding and justice

What beauty, this volcanic Island in the form of a Butterfly-Papillion. Save your environment this patrimoine de l'UNESCO_ and the long suffering people called-upon to protect it, the inhabitants and those more than willing to co-operate towards such common goals: "Wedge-a-War" even a little one, a personal one, find interior and exterior peace, be responsible the one's to the other in all affaires.
There is every reason to hope; The Antillais are a valorous population of mixed origin, a dark shared past, to remember but who must now more than ever, look forward and choose the road their great sportsment have traced.
And rember, or note in passing the unofficial national anthem of a once warrior still up-right people, a warriors nation for more than almost 1 full millenium which says "For those days are gone now and in the past they must remain but..." and I translate that we-you, a free, democratic people, people who admiire the great good in french civilisation and language and reject the bad, for the common good and the better for all.

I shall dare translate to French - J'osera traduire en français.
Quelle beauté, cette île volcanique à la forme d'un papillon. Sauver votre environnement, ce patrimoine de l'UNESCO_ et soulager la longue souffrance des personnes appelées à le peuplé à la protéger, les habitants d'aujourd'hui et ceux qui sont plus que prêts à coopérer en vue de tels objectifs communs: "Wedge-a-War"© ™ (Logo personnel © ™ pour la protection de environnemental qui veut dire_caler pour ne pas tomber dans la guerre, l'abomination) un guerre de clans. Priviligé la lutte individuel, pour trouver la paix intérieure et extérieure, être responsable, solidaire l'un envers l'autre dans toutes les affaires.
Il y'a toutes les raisons d'espérer; Les Antillais sont un population courageux d'origine mixte, d'un sombre passé partagé. Il faut se souvenir, mais on se doit aujourd'hui plus que jamais, regarder vers l'avenir et de choisir la bonne route par exemple celle tracéé par leur grand sportifs et sportives, litteraires, scientifiques… Et se souvenir, ou noter, en passant ; l'hymne national non-officiel d'un peuple guerrier pour plus de près de 1 millénaire qui dit: "Par ce que ces jours sont dans le passés, maintenant et dans le passé, ils doivent y rester, mais .. ». Et je traduis- Vous et nous, des peuples libres, démocratiques, éduqués, des personnes qui admire bon dans la grande civilisation et la langue française et de rejeter le mauvais, pour le bien commun et pour la meilleure pour tous.

Monday, 16 February 2009

Link_Innovation and Creativity from a recent blog source via EntreCard

Innovation and Creativity from a recent blog source via EntreCard.

Taking one's self too seriously is not good policy for Creativity and Innovation.

I am most indebted to David Farrimond for his links and introduction to his non-vulgar humerous approach and work.

More on Davids work and links

Saturday, 14 February 2009

My Serious Foresight Ommission -IPCC Climate Change Senario Work:Unfinished From ommissions to => O-missions and E-missions, JOBS

From GHG-CO2 Emissions and Climate Change, longstanding amnesia and ommissions to =>

O-missions and E-missions. ( ROI-Return on Innovation, fair distribution via Jobs cf. for example: Green Jobs - Good Jobs approach by Appollo Alliance of USA )

Be part of the solution not part of the problem.

I simple wish to record one of the most important foresight works to date, the practically incontestable uncovering of man's role in climate change and global warming by the excellant work in progress by the UN_ IPCC International Panel on Climate Change. I have added 2 links to my foresight links.
1. IPCC-online reports.
2. IPCC-report on Emission sources

More reports...

And since nothing is as simple as it appears, Quirin Schiermeier of Nature has launched a debat

along the lines entitled:

The "Claim that the challenge of cutting emissions has been underestimated is debated."[Link-html]

Most constructive informative comments may be viewed at the above link

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

3 Myths of Innovation from G. A. Moore

"To innovate forever…is a design specification. It is not a strategy; it is a requirement."

quoted from G. A. Moore in his book, "Dealing with Darwin: How Great Companies Innovate at Every Phase of their Evolution"

From the simple belief that one and all can, improve, do better, do one's very best -work for the better (cf my essay various posts or on ChemWeb archives) many of my blog posts are concerned with Innovations and to the belief that they contribute to good job creation, and lasting profit. Innovation to me is the essence of Durable Development (DD) - Sustainable Development (SusDev) Here I shall share some recent reflections and conversations on Innovation defined as "ROI" return on investments or conveniently, return on innovations brought to my attention by an associate Vern Burkhardt at Idea Connection, like my blog spot, an associative web platform concerned with innovation -new (and improved) solutions to real problems.

Innovation is valuable only if it helps a company attain economic advantage.

Myths about innovation:
· Innovation in and of itself is valuable.
· Innovation becomes less necessary and possible as a product or service matures.
· The essence of innovation is the same in all companies.

Poppy Design in steelmaking slag

There are many fairly good sense insights into Innovation: the aim (why) the object of innovation(what) the procesesses (how) taken from Moore's book. In short I shall close with this "reminder to myself" quote:

Innovation, to create a return, must focus on what the customer values.

and since
"To innovate forever…is a design specification. It is not a strategy; it is a requirement."

I am pleased to undeline that, initiated properly, my early premise that Innovations are surely an un-ending source of jobs and revenu still holds!

Focus for common good (4Good): Carbon Capture and Sequestration - CCS example of process analysis in the steelmaking industry.

Monday, 9 February 2009

New Slideshow presentation on approaches to risk in Small to Medium Enterprises(SME_companies)

The new slide show(s), top left menu, come from my Linkedin professional network - a french source. If readers show interest, I shall be more than pleased to transmit to the authors and develop these themes for my wider english language based visitors. Naturally, I shall follow-up by building a few personal slide-shows (or better "slide-hows"?) from my own archives, time willing.

Comments not only welcome, but necessary, so feel free...

Monday, 2 February 2009

Record Breaking Pittsburg Steelers of well-named US Coal Mining and Steel Town win US-Football’s Super Bowl_Bigger CCS Records need Breaking!

Will Pittsburg be Bull's (New York) or Bears (Chicago) in CO2-CCS and not just Steal-Off into the shadows?

Pittsburg Steelers of the famous well-named and one time booming US Coal Mining and Steelmakers (Carnegie) Town win Super Bowl for a record 6th time.

Mind you, other more important record are at stake, global ones. Here as indicated above, I have chosen once again CO2-CCS and more precisely carbon storage and sequestration (CSS).

The following key words "Pittsburg", "Super Bowl", "Chicago Bull's supported by President Obama". To crown it all the headline Steel Curtain Call shed dread to many, if not all metallurgists provided the chemical spark to write.

I have tried to be humorous and conversationalist in this, and finally failed dismally, such is the perceived gravity of the situation facing the countries and industries involved.

Coal fuelled power generation is here to stay - bombing all polluting plants excepted!

The challenge as always is how can one arrive at peaceful solutions acceptable and happily embraced to all.

I guess underlining this CO2-CCS competition is the best I can do for the moment.

Where does the record stand to-day? (I know full well, that it's still very much on hold in spite of many strong speakers interviewed by Nature's Energy Supplement cf. "Putting the carbon back: The hundred billion tonne challenge :"
- D.G.Hawkins,(NDRC) Dir. National Resources Defense Council's Climate Centre, Washington DC. cf for example his paper CCS: Deployment Must Begin Now [Pdf] .
-Robert Socolow and Pacala (Princeton Univ.) whom I mention regularly in my blogs "Conversations" "Conversations" and "Materials Science and Engineering Defined" .
-Vassilios Kougionos EU Commissioner in charge of the so-called "clean-coal initiatives and international energy is quoted in Nature's as saying roughly "No CCS, No Fossil Fuels." Some background doc. cf. Co-op. Prog CCS-2005[pdf]

Records in these fields are slim to say the least:
- Germany leads 'clean-coal' pilot daily updates on achievements via link on my blog post: "6986 Tonnes CO2 sunk at Ketzin East Germany" Stretching my Franco- British(Scots), linguistic skill, albeit limited, let me suggest a good reading of the project name as a politico-financial-techical assistance in a much needed "Quest for Zen". (Explanation, "quête pronounced "ket" or Quest in english and Zin? well...)
-The Sleipner field (natural gas) – CO2 Treatment and Injection ... CO2 –2,5 mill tonnes/yr. 2012?

My rapid Google search turned-up a surprising number of disbanded, dedicated project-realisations news up-dates. Fortunately for us, I just blogged an excellent approach on my
"Conversations" blog-direct link to post I'll repeat

-Record you Pilot results and for record breaking put you Full-scale results on the MAP by the Scottish Centre for Carbon Storage, School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh (thumb-nail image opposite)

To my great and pleasant surprise, since I blogged and linked this, there have been a huge jump in the number of sites pin-pointed on the map, congratulations to all concerned. My previous post -31Jan 2009, Friday last!) is entitled
Get your Carbon Sequestration Site on the Map - Reduce GHG emissions, Improve Company-Gov Image, Visibility, ROI...for fun Beat GeoSAT-Ubuki
If I must add one further reason on why I chose to write such a post? The answer is most certainly "in a last hope effort to belie the following Green Peace position statement "

Carbon Capture and Storage: A Corporate Boondoggle That Shortchanges Environment, Consumers, New Greenpeace Report from Pittsburg May 5, 2008

Have I succeeded, will we succeed? No we must succeed!

To repeat my in my rough interpretation of Vassilios Kougionas EU Commissioner for clean-coal and intl energy:
No CCS-carbon sink, No Fossil Fuel Use!

Post Scriptum

Or in the words often attributed to a main character in a Robert Ludlum novel (CIA, MI 45 or is it 6, Consular Ops... spies, James Bond style) one the would often say:
There is no other tenable global option.
Comments more then welcome.

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