I trust readers will profit from this globally important new open access feed inclusion due to the highly reputable peer reviewed journal Elsevier.
I have just downloaded the following Review Article for addition to my personal library:
"Carbon capture, storage and utilisation technologies: A critical analysis
and comparison of their life cycle environmental impacts. " Rosa M. Cue´ llar-Franca, Adisa Azapagic *, from the highly reputable School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, University of Manchester,
I trust readers will enjoy joining me in reading this and related articles and hopefully put into practice sustainable climate frendly projects.
On Social and Economic Spheres: An Observation of the “gantangan”
Indonesian tradition
Situngkir, Hokky and Prasetyo, Yanu Endar (2012) On Social and Economic
Spheres: An Observation of the “gantangan” Indonesian tradition.
[Departmental Tech...
12 years ago