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Saturday, 28 November 2015

Sustainability science: Exploiting the synergies published in Nature (NPG)

Sustainability science: Exploiting the synergies

David Griggs, professor of sustainable development at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, and the University of Warwick, UK. reviews in Nature, Economist Jeffrey D. Sachs book

The Age of Sustainable Development

 Columbia Univ. Press: 2015.ISBN: 9780231173148
Here I shall quote a couple of  quotes which I can easily relate to from Griggs review:
"As a concept and practice, sustainable development emerged on the global scene in 1972, with the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. Four decades on, in the year that the United Nations is due to set its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the idea remains fuzzy around the edges. Jeffrey Sachs's The Age of Sustainable Development sharpens our understanding. It is, in my view, the best, most comprehensive and most articulate exposition of sustainable development ever written."
Economic and Social factors are underlined:

"Sustainable development was once considered a problem of developing countries, solvable through, and almost as a by-product of, economic growth. But no country has pulled itself out of poverty without fossil fuels, whose emissions drive climate change and pollution, or nitrogen-based fertilizers, which promote algal blooms. And richer countries have demonstrated the problems of uncontrolled development of land and resources, a factor in biodiversity loss. Sustainable development is crucial for all countries, so the SDGs will apply to every nation."

"How to achieve a sustainable future? Education, Sachs notes, is a lynchpin. When girls stay in school for longer, fertility rates drop. Households with fewer children invest more in education, health and nutrition. He quotes Scottish economist Adam Smith, who wrote in The Wealth of Nations (1776) that because society benefits when people are educated, the costs should be “defrayed by the general contribution of the whole society”. That we have not achieved this more than two centuries later is a baffling and damning indictment."  Blogger's note(Although the Scots are known for their legendary frugality many may take a book from the bicycle Dutch population. Granted Holland is a flat country.

"Alongside the social challenges are climate change, ocean acidification and the current mass extinction of species — serious threats to humanity's capacity to thrive or even survive. For example, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is rising by more than 2 parts per million each year. Sachs concludes that no country is currently on a path to sustainable development."

"What becomes clear is that understanding the links between these issues is essential. Along with development aims such as sanitation and health care for a growing and ageing population, there are environmental challenges such as mitigating climate change."

The full review and related links to NPG are well worth reading_Great background reading for COP21 participants and all concerned citizens!

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Climate -COP21 Paris updates from Nature

"Momentum builds for a new treaty as world leaders prepare
to descend on Paris." 

"The road to a new global climate treaty
has been slow and plodding. But years
of delicate negotiations have given way
to cautious optimism as more than 190 nations
prepare for the marathon climate talks that
begin in Paris on 30 November."



Pledges raise hopes ahead of climate talks (pdf)

 418 | NATURE | VOL 527 | 26 NOVEMBER 2015


First tranche of aid projects prompts concern over operations of fund for developing nations. (pdf)

writes  SANJAY KUMAR in the same volume;

REF: 26 NOVEMBER 2015 | VOL 527 | NATURE | 419.

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Friday, 6 November 2015

Renewables key in race against climate change clock by Phys.Org's M.Hood.

"Any plausible game plan for capping the rise of Earth's surface temperature depends on replacing fossil fuels with energy sources that generate little or no carbon pollution." writes Marlowe Hood in Phys Org November 1, 2015.

India's commitment on RHS-->>
so please read on...
Hood quoting reliable sources continues:
"That means renewables, especially solar and wind, both of which face fewer constraints to growth than more established : a river can be dammed only so many times, and nuclear remains expensive and controversial.
But humanity has dithered for so long in the fight against global warming, experts say, that the window of opportunity for decarbonising the global economy fast enough to avoid devastating climate change is barely ajar.
"The cost and difficulty of mitigating greenhouse gases increases every year, time is of the essence," Maria van der Hoeven, executive director of the International Energy Agency, said in a special IEA report on  and  released earlier this year.
The world's nations -– gathering in Paris in a month to ink the first-ever universal climate pact—have set a target of limiting  to two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels.
Cross that red line, scientists say, and there will, almost literally, be hell to pay.
Science also tells us that, if we are to respect the 2 C limit, future greenhouse gas emissions cannot exceed a total "budget" of about 1,000 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide.
Carbon-cutting pledges from nearly 150 nations, unveiled on Friday, put us on track for a 3 C world.
This is a vast improvement on doing nothing. But even this unprecedented effort would use up three quarters of that carbon budget by 2030, leaving very little margin for closing the remaining gap. That's where the transition from  to renewables comes in
President Obama is quoted as follows "Energy production accounts for two-thirds of global , and thus transformation of this sector is crucial", he and other experts said.
"According to the UN climate science body, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), low-carbon energy must account for at least 80 percent of global electricity production by 2050 to have a better-than-even chance of staying under the 2 C threshold".
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2015-11-renewables-key-climate-clock.html#jCp

Renewables key in race against climate change clock: "Renewables key in race against climate change clock"

ENCOURAGEMENT  from SUMMAT LEVEL: US President Obama see image

US President Barack Obama speaks with Commander Col Ronald Jolly as he tours a solar array at Hill Air Force Base in Utah

"Decarbonising energy is probably the quickest way to decarbonise the world," Adnan Amin, director general of the International Renewable Energies Agency.

The good news is that renewables are expanding rapidly and attracting investment.
Nearly half of all new installed power generation capacity in 2014 was in renewables—37 percent wind, a third solar and a quarter hydro, according to the IEA.
Investment in the sector totalled more than a quarter of a trillion dollars in the same year, an 8.5 percent increase over 2013.

"Capital markets have already begun to shift away from dirty technology to clean technology," Christina Figueres, executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, told journalists Friday in releasing an analysis of national emissions-reduction pledges.

But renewables only account for about 20 percent of global electricity generation, and three-quarters of that is hydro. Of total energy consumption -– overwhelmingly dominated by coal, oil and gas –- less than five percent comes from clean technology, excluding nuclear.
The transition towards a low-carbon economy is also hampered by fossil fuel subsidies totalling more than half-a-trillion dollars every year, four times the amount allocated for renewables.
Experts say, the Paris climate summit, which starts at the end of this month, is so crucial.
"COP21" -– the Paris climate summit -–STILL "needs to give a global and long-term signal to the world economy that is relevant to investors," said Martin Kaiser, a climate analyst from Greenpeace.

Read the full article in PhyOrg 

Read more on Phys Org

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Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Link_Wind power in Scotland - environment - From The New Scientist motivated arguably by "The Scots Independent Spirit and Renewable Energy Ambitions"

"Scotland is arguably one of the greenest countries in Europe.(notice the nuance) It produces 40 per cent of Scottish electricity demand from renewable sources, and models suggest this could rise to 67 per cent by 2018. That's closing in on the government's goal of producing enough green power to supply the equivalent of all of Scottish demand by 2020.

Wind power in Scotland - environment - From The New Scientist motivated arguably by "The Scots Independent Spirit and Renewable Energy Ambitions"

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

BAN KI-MOON, Secretary-General of the United Nations since 2007 make the case for A Global Strategy for Disaster Risk.

"SENDAI – Current disaster-risk levels are alarming. The cost of damage to commercial and residential buildings worldwide is averaging $314 billion each year, with the private sector bearing as much as 85% of that price tag. At the same time, a new United Nations report shows that annual investments in disaster-risk reduction of $6 billion can result in savings of up to $360 billion.
Hundreds of business executives, aware of the dramatic costs – and potential benefits – at stake, are now preparing to attend a UN conference on disaster-risk reduction in Sendai, Japan. A decade ago, when the last such gathering was held, the private sector was scarcely represented. This time, companies and entrepreneurs will be there in full force to explore a range of valuable opportunities."

Read more... 

I did believe I had introduced readers to the brilliant site "PROJECT SYNDICATE" arguably the most general World  Thought Leader and the articles are free and available in most languages! The work published is often reproduces by the leading daily journals. Indeed my reminder came from "Le Monde" 19 March 2015 in french.

I ran a search on my blog and found no references returned. Many many appologies to all and in particular many many thanks to Project Syndicate and it's COLUMNISTS.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

L'enthousiaste ou le fanatique _ENTHOUSIASTIC or FANATIC - FANATICISM in French for French teachers and speakers, En français langue originale

"Il n'a pas un mot a ajouter, ni aucun mot a enlever"
(Ref. Un professeur de lettres - qui nous à transmis les références du texte qu'il va transmettre à ses éleves.) 


    Le fanatisme est à la superstition ce que le transport (1) est à la fièvre, ce que la rage est à la colère. Celui qui a des extases, des visions, qui prend des songes pour des réalités, et ses imaginations pour des prophéties, est un enthousiaste; celui qui soutient sa folie par le meurtre est un fanatique. Jean Diaz, retiré à Nuremberg, qui était fermement convaincu que le pape est l'Antéchrist (2) de l'Apocalypse, et qu'il a le signe de la bête (3), n'était qu'un enthousiaste; son frère, Barthélemy Diaz, qui partit de Rome pour aller assassiner saintement son frère, et qui le tua en effet pour l'amour de Dieu, était un des plus abominables fanatiques que la superstition ait pu jamais former.

    Polyeucte (4) qui va au temple, dans un jour de solennité, renverser et casser les statues et les ornements, est un fanatique moins horrible que Diaz, mais non moins sot. Les assassins du duc François de Guise, de Guillaume, prince d'Orange, du roi Henri III, du roi Henri IV, et de tant d'autres, étaient des énergumènes malades de la même rage que Diaz.
    Le plus détestable exemple de fanatisme est celui des bourgeois de Paris qui coururent assassiner, égorger, jeter par les fenêtres, mettre en pièces, la nuit de la Saint-Barthélemy, leurs concitoyens qui n'allaient point à la messe.
    Il y a des fanatiques de sang-froid: ce sont les juges qui condamnent à la mort ceux qui n'ont d'autre crime que de ne pas penser comme eux; et ces juges-là sont d'autant plus coupables, d'autant plus dignes de l'exécration du genre humain que, n'étant pas dans un accès de fureur, comme les Clément, les Châtel, les Ravaillac, les Damiens (5), il semble qu'ils pourraient écouter la raison.
    Lorsqu'une fois le fanatisme a gangrené un cerveau, la maladie est presque incurable. J'ai vu des convulsionnaires (6) qui, en parlant des miracles de saint Pâris, s'échauffaient par degrés malgré eux: leurs yeux s'enflammaient, leurs membres tremblaient, la fureur défigurait leur visage, et ils auraient tués quiconque les eût contredits.

    Il n'y a d'autre remède à cette maladie épidémique que l'esprit philosophique, qui, répandu de proche en proche, adoucit enfin les moeurs des hommes, et qui prévient les accès du mal; car, dès que ce mal fait des progrès, il faut fuir, et attendre que l'air soit purifié. Les lois et la religion ne suffisent pas contre la peste des âmes; la religion, loin d'être pour elles un aliment salutaire, se tourne en poison dans les cerveaux infectés. Ces misérables ont sans cesse présent à l'esprit l'exemple d'Aod, qui assassine le roi Eglon; de Judith, qui coupe la tête d'Holopherne en couchant avec lui; de Samuel, qui hache en morceaux le roi Agag (7). Ils ne voient pas que ces exemples, qui sont respectables dans l'Antiquité, sont abominables dans le temps présent; ils puisent leurs fureurs dans la religion même qui les condamne.
    Les lois sont encore très impuissantes contre ces accès de rage; c'est comme si vous lisiez un arrêt du conseil (8) à un frénétique. Ces gens-là sont persuadés que l'esprit saint qui les pénètre est au-dessus des lois, que leur enthousiasme est la seule loi qu'ils doivent entendre.
    Que répondre à un homme qui vous dit qu'il aime mieux obéir à Dieu qu'aux hommes, et qui, en conséquence, est sûr de mériter le ciel en vous égorgeant?

Ce sont d'ordinaire les fripons qui conduisent les fanatiques, et qui mettent le poignard entre leurs mains. Ils ressemblent à ce Vieux de la Montagne qui faisait, dit-on, goûter les joies du paradis à des imbéciles, et qui leur promettait une éternité de ces plaisirs dont il leur avait donné un avant-goût, à condition qu'ils iraient assassiner tous ceux qu'il leur nommerait. Il n'y a eu qu'une seule religion dans le monde qui n'ait pas été souillée par le fanatisme, c'est celle des lettrés de la Chine. Les sectes des philosophes étaient non seulement exemptes de cette peste, mais elles en étaient le remède: car l'effet de la philosophie est de rendre l'âme tranquille, et le fanatisme est incompatible avec la tranquillité. Si notre sainte religion a été si souvent corrompue par cette fureur infernale, c'est à la folie des hommes qu'il faut s'en prendre.

1- transport = exaltation, ivresse, emportement
2- Antéchrist
 = Dans l'Apocalypse, dernier livre du Nouveau testament, Saint Jean annonce la venue d'un Ennemi du Christ, venant prêcher une religion hostile, peu avant la fin du monde.
3- bête 
= démon
4- Polyeucte
 : Dans la pièce de Corneille, Polyeucte est un seigneur arménien, gendre du gouverneur romain, qui se convertit au christianisme et, lors d'un sacrifice offert aux dieux romains, renverse les idoles et proclame sa foi. Il choisit de périr en martyr.
5- Clément, Châtel, Ravaillac et Damiens
 sont des fanatiques qui ont commis des attentats contre les rois Henri III, Henri IV et Louis XV. Tous les quatre furent suppliciés.
6- convulsionnaire
 = jansénistes fanatiques qui étaient pris de convulsions sur la tombe du diacre Pâris au cimetière de saint-Médard.
7- Aod, Judith et Samuel 
sont des héros de l'histoire biblique.
8- conseil
 = assemblée délibérative et exécutive


VOLTAIRE'S "Traité sur la tolérance"


AUTRE LECTURE RECOMMANDE:  "Peanuts" by Charles (Charlie) Shultz

In memoriam: Lockerbie 1988 

ENTHOUSIASTIC or FANATIC _ FANATICISM - analysed and described by Votaire (translated to English)

Recent events here in France have prompted this post _ Voltaire's analysis and description has been recommended to us by a young but highly experienced and successful teacher. It is an excellent approach to improve awareness both in youngsters seeking guidance and for adults looked upon for guidance in response to current affairs involving increasing violence and now fanaticism and barbaric terrorism.

FANATICISM  - analysed and described by Voltaire (translated to English ref. web link below)
Extract of text often used for French Higher Certificate (BAC- Baccalaureate.
English Translation ref:
Fanaticism is, in reference to superstition, what delirium is to fever, or rage to anger. He who is involved in ecstasies and visions, who takes dreams for realities, and his own imaginations for prophecies, is a fanatical novice of great hope and promise, and will probably soon advance to the highest form, and kill man for the love of God.
Bartholomew Diaz was a fanatical monk. He had a brother at Nuremberg called John Diaz, who was an enthusiastic adherent to the doctrines of Luther, and completely convinced that the pope was Antichrist, and had the sign of the beast. Bartholomew, still more ardently convinced that the pope was god upon earth, quits Rome, determined either to convert or murder his brother; he accordingly murdered him! Here is a perfect case of fanaticism. We have noticed and done justice to this Diaz elsewhere.
Polyeuctes, who went to the temple on a day of solemn festival, to throw down and destroy the statues and ornaments, was a fanatic less horrible than Diaz, but not less foolish. The assassins of Francis, duke of Guise, of William, prince of Orange, of King Henry III., of King Henry IV., and various others, were equally possessed, equally labouring under morbid fury, with Diaz.
The most striking example of fanaticism is that exhibited on the night of St. Bartholomew, when the people of Paris rushed from house to house to stab, slaughter, throw out of the window, and tear in pieces their fellow citizens not attending mass. Guyon, Patouillet, Chaudon, Nonnotte, and the ex-Jesuit Paulian, are merely fanatics in a corner — contemptible beings whom we do not think of guarding against. They would, however, on a day of St. Bartholomew, perform wonders.
There are some cold-blooded fanatics; such as those judges who sentence men to death for no other crime than that of thinking differently from themselves, and these are so much the more guilty and deserving of the execration of mankind, as, not labouring under madness like the Clements, Châtels, Ravaillacs, and Damiens, they might be deemed capable of listening to reason.
There is no other remedy for this epidemical malady than that spirit of philosophy, which, extending itself from one to another, at length civilizes and softens the manners of men and prevents the access of the disease. For when the disorder has made any progress, we should, without loss of time, fly from the seat of it, and wait till the air has become purified from contagion. Law and religion are not completely efficient against the spiritual pestilence. Religion, indeed, so far from affording proper nutriment to the minds of patients labouring under this infectious and infernal distemper, is converted, by the diseased process of their minds, into poison. These malignant devotees have incessantly before their eyes the example of Ehud, who assassinated the king of Eglon; of Judith, who cut off the head of Holofernes while in bed with him; of Samuel, hewing in pieces King Agag; of Jehoiada the priest, who murdered his queen at the horse-gate. They do not perceive that these instances, which are respectable in antiquity, are in the present day abominable. They derive their fury from religion, decidedly as religion condemns it.
Laws are yet more powerless against these paroxysms of rage. To oppose laws to cases of such a description would be like reading a decree of council to a man in a frenzy. The persons in question are fully convinced that the Holy Spirit which animates and fills them is above all laws; that their own enthusiasm is, in fact, the only law which they are bound to obey.
What can be said in answer to a man who says he will rather obey God than men, and who consequently feels certain of meriting heaven by cutting your throat?

When once fanaticism has gangrened the brain of any man the disease may be regarded as nearly incurable. I have seen Convulsionaries who, while speaking of the miracles of St. Paris, gradually worked themselves up to higher and more vehement degrees of agitation till their eyes became inflamed, their whole frames shook, their countenances became distorted by rage, and had any man contradicted them he would inevitably have been murdered.
Yes, I have seen these wretched Convulsionaries writhing their limbs and foaming at their mouths. They were exclaiming, “We must have blood.” They effected the assassination of their king by a lackey, and ended with exclaiming against philosophers.
Fanatics are nearly always under the direction of knaves, who place the dagger in their hands. These knaves resemble Montaigne’s “Old Man of the Mountain,” who, it is said, made weak persons imagine, under his treatment of them, that they really had experienced the joys of paradise, and promised them a whole eternity of such delights if they would go and assassinate such as he should point out to them. There has been only one religion in the world which has not been polluted by fanaticism and that is the religion of the learned in China. 

The above text is often studied for French Higher Certificate (BAC- Baccalaureate.
Note on:-
The religion of the learned in China. (Buddhism rather than Confucianism)
But it continues…..
The different sects of ancient philosophers were not merely exempt from this pest of human society, but they were antidotes to it: for the effect of philosophy is to render the soul tranquil, and fanaticism and tranquillity are totally incompatible. That our own holy religion has been so frequently polluted by this infernal fury must be imputed to the folly and madness of mankind. Thus Icarus abused the wings which he received for his benefit. They were given him for his salvation and they insured his destruction:
Ainsi du plumage qu’il eut
Icare pervertit l’usage;
Il le reçut pour son salut,
Il s’en servit pour son dommage.
— Bertaut, bishop of Séez.

I feel it fitting that this translation was brought to us from the far off Australia thus spanning the numerous english speaking regions, countries and continents struggling to implement proper education and struggle against fanaticism.



Other recommended reading: "Peanuts" by Charles (Charlie)Shultz

In memoriam: Lockerbie 1988 

I shall post Voltaire's original "letter" in french in my next post.