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Sunday, 18 June 2017

Unshackled, big auto will keep choking the world on diesel fumes | New Scientist

Unshackled, big auto will keep choking the world on diesel fumes | New Scientist: "Not held to account ,By Olive Heffernan in New Scientist (call for WTBD_Work to be done in the Automobile Industry and Political Regulaters court (to court?)

The failure of governments to hold to account one of the world’s most polluting industries is perhaps the real scandal. Strong governmental oversight is now needed.

The US and the EU, which together certify most new diesel vehicles, must up their game to ensure reliable results from regulatory testing. The good news is that both will introduce fresh policies to that end this year. In Europe, this means a real-driving emissions test to better gauge actual pollution.

Done properly, this will help to reinstate public trust in governmental oversight of the auto industry – something that has surely been lost.

And countries that have yet to adopt strict diesel NOx standards – such as Australia, Brazil, China, Mexico and Russia – must do so without delay. Global enforcement of even tougher standards would be better still, and it is predicted that this could avoid 174,000 unnecessary deaths in 2040 alone.

The problem remains, however, that vehicles will still be able to pollute the air to certified limits, without full knowledge of the consequences for public health. Solving that will be a much greater challenge, but one that we must ultimately aspire to."

More Work less Talk and true useful Jobs!

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Friday, 16 June 2017

Where does the $8bn UN peacekeeping budget go? | Global Development Professionals Network | The Guardian

Where does the $8bn UN peacekeeping budget go? | Global Development Professionals Network | The Guardian:

With the current and continuing flood in imigration to Europe (the EU in fact) in easily understood flight from war rife zones and poverty, I am glad to have found this article from The Guardian in response to my incomprehension as to how our international governemental bodies ( well paided) apeared to fail in what we (I at least) asumed to be the their mandat?

I would like to congratulate Italy for what it apears to be it's humanitarian stance (alone?) in saving fleeing boat-people across the Meditaranian sea.

Seems we could do better?

This blog on environmental and sustainable development had many posts tagged "Wedge-a-War" has proved highly inefficent even if I had hoped to contribute in some small way to making a "Better World".

Please read my tagged posts and comment to improve our collective efficiency in the face of so many inacceptable situations seen from our developped EU countries.

As a closing word. What is the percentage of fleeing peoples whishing to enter the former Soviet Union?

Work Well-Wedge these damed wars and Best of Luck, ALL.

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Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Build your confidence:"Five Rude And Insulting Interview Questions -- And How To Answer Them"

Need a confidence booster.?

Read the following link from Forbes Reading List-

PS for once Forbes are not defending the Worlds Richest when it is the poor often very very poor who need help-International Help; (Wedge these damned wars please !)

Five Rude And Insulting Interview Questions -- And How To Answer Them:

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EU nations set to wipe out forests and not account for emissions from New Scientist

OhOh! Are the EU (and their governing national-passing the buck- bodies) not to mention the notorious lobbyists leading us all up the "garden" path?

(We are already having to contend with missleading national govenments  giving us issues such as BREXIT! Big financial winners Wales, Scotland and Research, the latter being my own field.

As the well known song goes:"When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn!!!

REF: Paper from the highly reputable New Scientist

EU nations set to wipe out forests and not account for emissions | New Scientist:

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Thursday, 6 April 2017

Why Finland now leads the world in nuclear waste storage : Nature News & Comment

Why Finland now leads the world in nuclear waste storage : Nature News & Comment: "Why Finland now leads the world in nuclear waste storage"

Please read this News brought by the famous Science Magazine NATURE.

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